
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Files Lawsuit on Behalf of Nurse Who Was Assaulted by Patient and Fired

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP recently filed suit in Harris County on behalf of a Registered Nurse who worked at St. Joseph Medical Center in Houston, Texas. The lawsuit names SJ Medical Center, LLC d/b/a St. Joseph Medical Center (“St. Joseph Medical Center”) as the defendant.

Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client worked in the hospital’s Center for Behavioral Health. In December 2022, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was working at St. Joseph Medical Center when a patient assaulted her and yelled racist slurs at her.  Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client, who is a Black woman, was walking past the patient when he slapped her buttock area. He also called her the N-word and told her to “go back to Africa.” In response, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client defended herself against the patient by attempting to move the patient away from her. The following day, on December 22, 2022, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client reported the traumatic assault to her manager. That same day, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was suspended. The following week, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client was fired. The lawsuit alleges that St. Joseph Medical Center fired Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client for reporting that her workplace was unsafe. More specifically, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client reported a violation of law—assault under the Texas Penal Code.   

Health care workers in Texas are entitled to strong legal protections under the law. For example, Texas law provides that a hospital, mental health facility, or treatment facility may not suspend or terminate the employment of an employee for reporting to her supervisor, an administrator of the facility, a state regulatory agency, or a law enforcement agency a violation of law.

If you were retaliated against by your health care employer for reporting a violation of law, contact our law firm today. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP is proud to provide free evaluations to potential clients. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP also offers services on a contingent fee basis, which means that if we accept your case, we do not receive compensation or payment until you do.