Doyle Dennis Avery LLP Files Suit On Behalf of Social Worker
Doyle Dennis Avery LLP recently filed a lawsuit on behalf of a social worker who worked for Angelo Kidney Connection PLLC. In the lawsuit, Doyle Dennis Avery’s client alleged that Angelo Kidney Connection PLLC retaliated against her, in violation of the Texas Occupations Code, the Texas Health and Safety Code, and the common law.
While Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client worked for Angelo Kidney Connection PLLC, employees, including Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client, reported concerns regarding bed bug related infestation at Angelo Kidney Connection PLLC’s facility. Specifically, nurses and technicians were consistently being bitten by the parasites due to exposure. In light of this consistent and ongoing problem, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client reported the problem to her supervisor. Over the course of months, Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client reported violations of law and other problems related to patient safety concerns.
Texas law prohibits employers from suspending, terminating, disciplining, discriminating against, or retaliating against a social worker who makes a protected report under Texas law. Texas law also prohibits employers from retaliating against an employee who advises a nurse of her right to report in good faith under Texas law. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client engaged in protected activity. The client reported that Angelo Kidney Connection PLLC failed to provide care that conforms to the minimum standards of acceptable and prevailing professional practice and would likely cause harm to patients. In response to and because of this report, Angelo Kidney Connection PLLC wrongfully terminated Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client. Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client also advised her coworker, who was a nurse, of her right make a report as a nurse in good faith that she had reasonable cause to believe would lead to patient harm. In response to and because of this advice, Angelo Kidney Connection PLLC wrongfully terminated Doyle Dennis Avery LLP’s client.
If you are a social worker who reported patient safety violations, you may be entitled to actual damages, punitive damages, lost past and future wages, mental anguish, reputational harm, exemplary damages, attorney’s fees, and other penalties provided by law. Call Doyle Dennis Avery LLP today for a free evaluation of your case.
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