Victims facing assault and abuse in the workplace can be traumatized and feel helpless. Even worse, one a lawsuit is filed many victims of abuse are re-traumatized by the litigation process, as they are forced to re-live the horrendous abuse and assault that they experienced on the job. The lawyers at Doyle Dennis Avery LLP specialize in the area of employment and can help guide victims of assault through the difficult legal process.
In particular, we represent employees who have: (1) faced sexual harassment either through retaliatory employment decision or a hostile work environment; (2) victims of sexual assault or rape in the workplace; (3) employees who have reported sexual harassment and faced retaliation; and (4) any mandatory reporter who reported child abuse and has been retaliated against.
As an employee, you have a right to feel safe while working and not have to fear any retaliation for reporting harassment. The same applies to victims of sexual assault or reporters of child abuse. Abusers use silence to enable themselves and bully others into accepting their offensive behavior. If you have faced any retaliatory behavior for standing up for yourself, please contact Doyle Dennis Avery LLP for a free consultation. We work on a contingent fee basis, meaning that unless you receive compensation, we do not charge you.
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